Belajar Direct and Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) - Penjelasan, Rumus, dan Contoh Kalimatnya

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Hallo Raeder ? How are you ?. Pada postingan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Belajar Direct and Indirect Speech atau Reported Speech. Materi yang akan di sampaikan tentang rumus direct indirect speech dan contoh soal direct and indirect speech dan jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat belajar.

Fungsi Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech)

Reported Speech adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk memberitahukan sebuah pertanyaan, pernyataan, dan perintah dari seseorang kepada orang lain. Reported speech terbagi dua, yaitu Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech. 

Baca juga,

Direct Speech

Direct Speech atau kalimat langsung adalah kalimat berita yang berupa pertanyaan, pernyataan, dan perintah yang disampaikan kepada orang lain secara langsung dan tidak ada perubahan susunan kata atau lebih jelasnya adalah kita mengutip informasi yang disampaikan.

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech

"Agung works in Bandung" He said. (Agung Kerja di Bangung)

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech atau kaliamat tidak langsung adalah reported speech yang dimana format kalimatnya diubah menjadi lebih jelas atau tidak sama persis bentuk katanya.

Contoh Kalimat Indirect Speech

Agung said that he worked in Bandung (Agung bilang bahwa dia kerja di Bandung)

Cara Mengubah Direct Speech ke Indirect Speech

Jika tadi kita sudah memahami pengertian dan contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech, sekarang kita akan belajar untuk bagaiman mengubah Direct Speech ke Indirect Speech

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Ina asked me, "close the window" Ina asked me to close the window
Andi asked me "Do not open the door" Andi asked me not to open the door
Inggit said "I will go to Bali" Inggit said that She would go to Bali
Raka asked me "Where do you watch the movie ?" Raka asked me where i watched the movie
Mr. James asked me "Do you work in Jakarta ?" Mr. James asked me If / Whether I worked in Bandung

Jenis - Jenis Kalimat Direct and Indirect Speech

Seperti yang di jelaskan di atas, kalimat berita pada Direct and Direct Speech bisa berupa pertanyaan, pernyataan dan perintah, pada tabel di atas menjelaskan tentang bentuk kalimat - kalimatnya, di bawah ini dijelaskan lebih terperinci

Contoh Reported Speech Bentuk Perintah dan Larangan

Bentuk Perintah

Kita bisa mengubah Direct Speech ke Indirect Speech berupa kalimat perintah, seperti

Direct Speech : "Open your eyes", Indah asked me
Indirect Speech : Indah asked me to open my eyes.

Pada jenis kalimat perintah yang pertama ini kita menambahkah 'to' pada kalimat Indirect Speech

Bentuk Larangan 

Direct Speech : Andi asked me "Do not open the windows"
Indirect Speech : Andi asked me not to open the windows

Bentuk larangan ini kita mengubah 'do not' menjadi 'not to'.

Contoh Reported Speech Bentuk Pernyataan

Direct Speech : "I will go to Jakarta on monday" Brin said
Indirect Speech : Brin said that he would go to Jakarta on monday

Pada kalimat bentuk pernyataan ini, kita bisa menambahkan 'that' pada bentuk indirect speech.

Contoh Reported Speech Bentuk Pertanyaan

Pada reported speech bentuk pertanyaan ini, kita bisa menggunakan Why Question (What, When, Where, Why, Whose) dan bentuk 'If / Whether"

Contoh kalimat reported speech question

Direct Speech : Chen asked me "Where do you come from ?"
Indirect Speech : Chen asked me when i came from 

Direct Speech : Andi asked me "Do you like ice cream ?"
Indirect Speech : Andi asked me If / Wheter I liked ice cream

Tabel Rumus Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech)

Perlu diketahui, dalam reported speech ada perubahan tenses dari bentuk direct ke indirect speech. Berikut table rumus perubahan tensesnya

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Tense Past Perfect
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future Past Future
Future Perfect Past Future

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech

Dari table perubahan tenses di atas, di bawah di share contoh - contoh nya

1. "I go to school by bus" Inka said -> Inka said that he went to school by bus

2. "I am visiting my mother" he said -> He said that he was visiting his mother

3. "I have finished my work" Agus said -> Agus said that he had finished his work

4. "They have been playing football" Andi said -> Andi said that they had been playing football

5. James said "I went to Bandung yesterday" -> James said that he had gone to Bandung yesterday

6. "I was coming to Inka's pasty at this time last night" he said -> he said that he had been coming at this time last night

7. "I will arrive at Narita Int. Airport" James said -> James said that he would arrive at Narita Int. Airport

8. "I will have done this job" Erick said -> Erick said that he would done this job

Demikianlah artikel Ruslan tentang Direct and Indirect Speech (Reported Speech). Semoga bermanfaat, sampai jumpa diartikel selanjutnya.


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