Contoh Recount Test - Pengalaman Masa Lampau Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengalaman Masa Lampau Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Recount Teks adalah sebuah pengalaman pribadi yang kita ceritakan dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris. Recount Test bisa bentuk pengalaman tentang liburan, pekerjaan, keluarga, dll. Pengalaman menarik dalam bahasa inggris bisa di sebut Recount Tense. Tenses yang digunakan dalam recount test adalah bentuk past.

Pengalaman masa lampau dalam bahasa inggris sangat mudah sekali dibuat, karena semuanya menggunakan bentuk past. Di bawah ini, adalah contoh cerita pengalaman pribadi Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat !

BCA is my unique experience

Oneday in January 2016, fisrt time I had invited to attend an interview in banking. That time, I got an invitation by email to attend an interview in Jakarta, at Wisma Slipi Tower. That morning was cloudy, because the heavy rain had down last night. I went to location in Jakarta from my home in Tangerang. That time, I was eighteen years old and I didn’t know exactly what should I had to did in Jakarta. 

Because you may be know that Jakarta is megapolitan town and one of the most dengerous and busiest town in Indonesia, for me that was confused. That time, I choosed to used train to Jakarta. I went at five and ten AM used OJEK Online to station from my home. After arriving, at five and twenty AM, I waited for first train to Jakarta from Tangerang. 

After that, I had departured from Tangerang station to Duri Station which is I had to transit and used the next train to Tanah Abang station. Along my trip, I opened my phone and searched on You Tube how to faced an interview at BCA Bank, and how it would be succeed. Didn’t take time to long, I had arrived at seven AM at Tanah Abang station.

After arriving, I opened my phone for requested an OJEK Online for taking me to interview location. I waitted under fly over Tanah Abang in few minute I found one and I asked the driver for taking me. Along the trip on Ojek Online, I asked the driver about the location which is, It would be usefull for me. I had arrived in location at seven and ten am the driver stoped in front of the building. 

When I asked the security in front of main lobby, the building which I would entered was wrong. He said that it wasn’t Wisma Slipi Tower. Oh My God, I felt I was sad and panic that time . I didn’t think too much I still had time, so, I worked so hard for looking for the location. I opened my phone and asked every people that I thought they would helped me. My feeling said that the driver which took me didn’t know well Wisma Slipi Tower. Because, I had dropped off at BCA building. He was annoyed.

Back to the topic, the security which I asked about the address of Wisma Slipi Tower had told me that it was across the BCA Building. Which is, it was in front of the BCA Building. I didn’t take time too long, I run and walked to the building even there are many puddle because it was rain last night. 
Althought, my shoe was wet and dirty, I had arrived safely at Wisma Slipi Tower. I entered the building and fill in the attendance form at seven fourty five am.
Unexpectedly, there are many people in that room in all specialitation and different educational background. 

There are senior high school graduated, bachelor, and also diploma graduated. My queue number was one hundred and I heart first direction from recruitment committee before psikotest and interview. Thank God, my psikotes and interview was passed. For the third test, from three hundred fivety person, only fourty person who choosed by recruitment committee, which is I was one of all of it. After that, recruitment committee gave us time for taking a rest until one PM. recruitment committee gave us the free lunch. 

After finishing my lunch, I and all participants did the third test and also interviewed by user. Only eight participants who would be accepted until the last test was medical check up. There was something funny, when my name was announced for interviewing with user, my legs was slip because the shoe and floor was wet and slippery. For God shake, I was so shy. 
After that, I was waiting when the interviewing asked me with any questions which is it was made me nervous. I passed the test and did the last test. It was medical check up. Thanks God, I was passed too, one hundred persen I was passed and had been accepted in BCA Bank. Thank you.


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